Thursday, April 14, 2011


About Voicethread?
Voicethread is a site where you can share diffrent multimedia info with other people across the wolrd at one time with no extra software needed. I found it very interesting on how innovative it was in my opinion. It can be used to do many things, a lot of its capababilities dont really have anything to do with school or lesson plans, although you can use it for that.

What I use Voice thread for a Lesson Plan?
I have mixed feelings about using this, as it is very complex and might be confusing and I am not the most technology sound person at all. Im sure soemone who is more computer savvy could really be more beneficial to using this in his or her lesson plan than I. As I said it is an amazing website and there are many things it can be capable of doing. I dont need it in my lesson plan, Im all about CPUs in the classroom but this is a bit much.

Would I use it in the Classroom?
Again great features, amazing website, and all. But i do not see the need to involve all of this in my classroom. I am an advocate of technology in the classroom, but this is crazy too me. I want my students being focused on the task at hand in my opion this could bring distractions and thats the last thing I need in my classroom. As long as technology is straight to the point and not too crazy Im all for it.

Great site amazing features, didnt know anything about this website. It seems pretty cool. I dont believe that it is suitable for the classroom in my opinion. With all the MP3 stuff and etc students wont be able to focus on the lesson and the task at hand in my opinion. At the end of the day great site but not classroom worthy, at least not in mines.



  1. I never thought about this being a distraction to the students but that is a very good point! Keeping them focused is a huge task and now that I have read your post I think it could be distracting to students.

  2. shawp you hit the nail on the head with that point of causing distractions over the lesson you want the students to do. I probably would keep students off the tracks while doing a assignment.
